Supporting Data & Research

MBOS have been working privately and personally funding trials since 2010, the results have been profound. We have not been able to find anything like them with children this old in the scientific and medical literature.
There are a wide variety of opinions and much research into the possible etiology of Autism, but within that there is broad scientific consensus that the underlying problem causing the spectrum of different symptoms/challenges is biological in nature, and rooted in the brain. The brain is a major consumer of and exquisitely sensitive to oxygen, indeed the normal supply of oxygen to the different brain regions is essential to its function - should the supply be insufficient through under-development or damage - then depending on the region(s) of the brain affected - any number of a range of symptoms can manifest.
We published a peer reviewed scientific research paper in late 2018 in the Autism - Open Access Journal that discussed the therapy model, and also the results we'd seen in objective format. The reality is they are nothing short of amazing and, we believe, unprecedented, they are also long lasting - with the improvements remaining over 10 years later without regression, and the clock is still running.
Our studies so far have been with teen and preteen children but our research suggests there would be no age barrier on how NEMO Therapy benefits the individual. This could bring the many profoundly autistic adults back towards a level of function where they can establish a quality of life that - in many cases - they've never experienced, and neither they nor their carergivers and family believed could happen.
​We encourage you to check out the testimonials from the mothers HERE.
Our most recent paper published in May 2020 develops a hypothesis as to how hyperopic therapy may facilitate effective biologic "correction" of Autism Spectrum Disorder. We believe that this underlying mechanism of action may also have beneficial impact on a range of other challenges such as Alzheimer's, Dementia, Cerebral Palsy, Mild Traumatic Brain Injury, and Stroke. We plan to study these areas and establish empirical data in due course.

Hypothesis for How Hyperoxic Therapy May Facilitate Effective Biologic “Correction” of Autism Spectrum Disorders
With the profound results from our pilot studies, this research paper delves deeper into the biological basis for the neurological response to MBO2 and develops a hypothesis on how hyperoxia influences vascular development, hypoxia, and neuroinflammation thus helping to correct biological development.
Evolution and Preliminary Testing of a Hyperoxic Therapy for Autism Spectrum Disorders
Our first scientific paper reporting on the conduct of the pilot trials and covering the methodology, the profound results and an explanation of Microbaric® Oxygen Therapy. This paper gives insight as to why we are so passionate to explore further and make this therapy available.

We are working on a further paper...
With some 80+ man-years of experience in diving, hyperbaric medicine and physiology, and having pioneered HBO2 for sports injury, the MBOS team are publishing a paper to change the world understanding of oxygen dose response for maximum clinical impact in the safest way.